

Hello Jonathan,
                      I have been taking Cabaser since Nov' 97 in conjunc=
tion with Madopar, Amantadine and selegeline. Since going on to cabaser =
(as a replacement for Pergolide, which was not working for me) life has =
become much easier, with a noticeable increase in "On" times, and perhaps=
 even better, an almost total disappearance of the dreaded dyskenesia.Per=
sonally speaking it was the most significant improvement in my quality =
of life since I developed P.D. 10 years ago. I don't know where you live =
Jonathan, but if you live in the 'States you may find it difficult to obt=
ain Cabaser, but if you can get it I hope it works as well for you as it =
has for me.
Best Wishes,
Age 43, diagnosed 1989, Taking Madopar, Cabaser, Selegeline,
Amantadine, Amitriptyline.
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