


My thanks for your encouragement.

>-- I've been watching the Dayton Daily News, and hoping they
>would come through for us--no luck. I'm curious whether they were one you
>heard from?

No they weren't.  FYI and that of any others who may be interested I have
reproduced the 3 replies below.



Dear Mr. Greene:
     Thank you for sending a letter to the editor of The Tallahassee
Democrat. I want to tell you that it is unlikely that we will print your
letter since we have a surplus of letters from our own local readers.
Our duty is to print their views first.  Should we ever have a deficit of
local letters, then I might be able to consider printing out-of-town ones.
Thank you for your understanding.
Heather Mendelson, Letters Editor
The Tallahassee Democrat


Thanks for your submission. However, we cover only local news or comment.
Please remove us from your mailing lists.
--Jack Sanders, executive editor, Hersam Acorn Newspapers, Ridgefield,


(The following was a very long letter and I have only reprduced it in part -
nowhere in the reply does it mention the name of the publication but I'll
leave in what clues there are.)

We received the following submission, but will be unable to publish it. We
require that letters to the editor be written exclusively for us. We do
not, as a rule, publish copies of letters to others.

Our letters and op-ed essay guidelines:

* In general, we publish only letters and essays written by Rochester-area
residents or those with strong local ties.
* News story ideas should be submitted to the local news desk at
[log in to unmask] The editor for local news is Bob Finnerty,