

Study links smoking to Alzheimer's disease

Copyright © 1998 © 1998 The Associated Press

LONDON (June 18, 1998 -- Smokers are twice more
likely than lifetime nonsmokers to develop Alzheimer's disease and other
forms of dementia, a study published Friday suggests.

Results of other studies differ on whether smoking increases the risk of
developing Alzheimer's or somehow protects against it. But scientists
say the latest study by researchers at Erasmus University in the
Netherlands is important because it is the largest to investigate the
link -- and the first major project to have evaluated people before they
develop brain disease.

Dr. Anthony Mann, an old-age psychiatrist and professor of epidemiology
at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, called the findings powerful."

"They are the first to do a prospective study and it's the largest to
show a positive link," said Mann, who wasn't involved in the research.
"It's the best we've had."  The study in Britain's The Lancet medical
journal followed 6,870 men and women ages 55 and older living in a
suburb of Rotterdam. It found that smokers were 2.2 times more likely to
develop dementia of any kind and had a risk for Alzheimer's disease that
was 2.3 times higher than those who had never smoked cigarettes.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, estimated to
afflict nearly 18 million people worldwide, or 3 percent of people over
the age of 60, according to the nonprofit Alzheimer's Disease

Unlike previous studies, none of the people in the Rotterdam study had
dementia when first examined. They were asked about their smoking habits
and divided into smokers, former smokers and those who had never smoked.
Two years later, 146 study participants had developed dementia and 105
of those had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

Factors such as age, sex, education and alcohol intake were taken into
account in calculating the risk.

Within a random sample of the whole group, the researchers also examined
the effect of smoking on people who carried a gene believed to increase
the risk of Alzheimer's disease. They found that despite the overall
finding that smoking doubled the risk of developing the degenerative
disease, smokers who carried the gene actually were no more likely to
develop Alzheimer's than nonsmokers.

But smokers who did not carry the gene were found to be four times more
likely to develop the disease than nonsmokers, the study said.

"It seems that if you have the gene, you're better off if you smoke,"
said Dr. Monique Breteler, who headed the research. Scientists are
unsure exactly how smoking might contribute to Alzheimer's.

Still, Mann said, "It takes forward that things that put you at risk for
vascular disease put you at risk for dementia in general."

By EMMA ROSS, Associated Press Writer
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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