

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      58   deg. F
Hi everybody,

   After a mind-boggling, 22-hour journey home from Washington, DC to
Portland, Maine, by plane, taxis, train and bus, I amved back from the
PAN forum, exhausted but with wonderful news.

   During a  47-minute  meeting I had on Wednesday morning with
Congressman John Baldacci of Maine, and his Legislative Health Aide, Joy
Leach, he decided to form a PARKINSONS' CAUCUS of Senators and
Representatives IMMEDIATELY, and lead it if noone with more seniority
could be found to do so.

   This means that Representative Baldacci is willing to draw together
and provide informed leadership forr those in the Senate and the House
who favor getting at least $100,00,000.00 of money for Parkinson's.  This
would obviously be a dramatic show of Congressional support for full
funding of the Udall Act.

   I will post more to all of you after I catch up on lost
sleep--probably tomorrow.

   To thank and to encourage Representative Baldacci, you may write to:

                            The Honorable John E. Baldacci (D-2-ME)
                                United States House of Representatives
                            1740 Longworth House Office Building
                            Washington, D.C.20515

                             phone 202  225-6306    fax  202   225-2943
                             e-mail address:  [log in to unmask]
                 web address:

Thank You,

Ivan Suzman
Porltland, Maine