

Hi listfriends,

I returned last evening around midnight and I'm now trying to get all my
mail read and deleted (smile). I'm happy to read that y'all missed us and
even started an easy to delete series named "Where is Da mail?".

I'm so full of impressions and have so many experiences to evaluate for
myself that I will send you my story after the weekend or earlier when I'm
ready with it.

I want to share a poem I wrote in Washington. I hope that you will enjoy it.


       Walk,  Don't Walk

Washington DC., midth of June,
Warm and humid, much too soon,
Tourist season and PAN actions,
many cars, people and elections.

Many sidewalks, many roads,
many umbrella's, many coats,
many crossings, many lights,
I'm here, but want to be at the other side.

The light says in red "DONT WALK",
I wait Parkinsonpatiently till it says "WALK"
I start, well I try to anyhow,
I know I have to go, and to do it NOW!.

It took me two seconds to start,
and then I work very hard,
to get across to reach the other side.
I do my best and sea cars ready to ride.

Then it happens of which I was afraid,
the light "WALK" disappears and I am too late,
to go back so I must proceed my quest,
"DONT WALK" is blinking, oh what a mess.

The metal killers howl and roar,
my brain works fast, my legs so slow,
Adrenaline is pushed into my brains,
I'm dead is all what there remains!!

I hear the cars come closer in vaste approach,
and I remember the words of my highschool coach:
"You can do it!", while the cars are just a foot away,
I fold my hands and start to pray.

Trembling from emotion,
I look back in slow-motion,
and just THEN I realize,
I just made it to the other side!!

Kees Paap
June 16, 1998
Warm greetings from a happy Dutchman in Texas, 48/9,
Sinemet 3x 125CR, Permax 3x 1.0, Tasmar 3x 100

**** Life is a loan, to live is an art, to live happily is a gift, to give
is to live, to love is to give and to live, to cope with PD is all, I thank
God daily that He gives me this loan and I will pay him back***