

YEA!!  She finally made it online!  HEEEEEY Lisa.... a warm welcome!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Lisa Greenstadt
Sent:   Friday, June 19, 1998 11:33 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        re output of my job Hrry Cane ?

Assuming the question was for me:  I produce the StepOver Wand. A small gadget
that does magic for my walking. It enables me, and other parkinsonians,  to
walk (rather than shuffle), when we  are in an  "off" period, It helps avoid
"freeezing" in small spaces, when crossing doorways,  in entering  elevators,
when the phone rings and we are home alone and the phone is in the other
room, and other goodies.  I have had parkinson's disease for 18 years and  I
am finally independent  and mobile again.  I am just getting familiar with
internet addresses and if I am reaching the wrong party, other then the
parkinson group, I beg your pardon  and I  SEND MY APOLOGIES .Lisa.
I can be reached at email Hrrycane