

Dear Camilla,

We follow yours and Ivan's lead gladly!

Dear Rep. Baldacci,

The Maine Parkinson Society would like to thank you for answering our (Maine
Parkinson Community- Led by Ivan Suzman) call for action, by announcing that
you will organize a Congressional Parkinson's Disease Caucus.  Maine has led
the way at critical points of the journey towards passage of the Morris K.
Udall Act. We were the first state who had unanimous support and sponsorship
before it was passed.  And now, when many of us were starting to get nervous
that inaction was going to result in non-appropriation, you have come
through to keep hope alive.

We released on Thursday of this week, a press statement announcing our
formation to benefit local people with Parkinson's Disease.  There is a
strong need both nationally to fund research and locally for patient support
and heightened public awareness.  We hope to fill the local need.  We also
offer our support to you in any way we can benefit your effort.  There are
many other states you will hear from as the word is passing quickly.  A deep
heart felt thanks from all of us who stand to benefit from your very
pragmatic and thoughtful response.  A response to the lack of action by
those that do not offer any valid reasons for their stalling  appropriations
of funds for this humane act.

Respectfully submitted,
Maine Parkinson Society

Gregory E. Leeman