

Oh darn!  Ok then, I'll buy some new bunny slippers and a pint of Coffee
Toffee Crunch ice cream and sit in from of the TV, wearing the slippers and
eating the ice cream as Jim becomes a celebrity! <grin>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Hans van der Genugten
Sent:   Friday, June 19, 1998 2:33 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        RE Jim Finn & Barb M.: Emmy & Oscar-awards

Hi Jim & Barb M.,

Barb, YOU forgot the Emmy for his appearance in "60 Minutes".

And about the Oscar-Party: I can't remember sending you an invitation!!

(nor one for the Emmy-Party.........)

So before you buy a new outfit, you should consider spending your money on
new bunny-slippers first!

Jim, you wrote that you had no idea how the other "pig-cell"-patients were
doing. That seemed logical because of the (psychological) influence on
eachother and on the results of the research-study.
But now YOU are appearing on national TV, the others will see you AND the
results of the operation on you.
It seems to me there is a contradiction! What do you think?

Greetings,  Hans.