

Gidday Group,

Since my introduction a week or so ago, I was happy to revert to role as
'lurker'.  There have, (as my subject time indicates), been some
peculiar things happening to me just lately, so I wanted to run them past
the group in the hope of gaining some information.

I remain unmedicated, so these symptoms (if that is what they are) are
not the result of some wierd reaction to drugs.
*I am SO TIRED*.....this fatigue has been waxing and waing for a few
years but the last few days have been horrible.  Does anyone else feel
this way??  If so what are your thoughts on the reasons.
The tremor which is usually pretty mild, is now nearly as much on the
left side as the right (which is the side it first started last December)
I was under the impression (obviously misguided) that the tremor usually
remained on one side for quite some time.  Any thoughts??
My tongue gets 'tripped up' and sometimes I can't get the words from my
brain to my tongue.
I'd just love to hear your stories if you've been affected in the ways
I've tried to discribe.
I get concerned that I'm ascribing symptoms to PD, when may-be I'm
suffering post traumatic stress from getting the diagnosis.  My mind is
going though all sorts of avenues to try and understand these 'things'
that are happening to me.
Thanks for your attention,