

When we become aware of a problem, i.e. it is in the forefront of our
thoughts, it may not be becoming worse, it's just that now, it stands out
It's kind of like me and my speech problems. I am really a strange and unusual
case, so you must remember to take this with a grain of salt. But immediately
following the CO poisoning which resulted in the damage to the globus
pallidus, I was unable to speak at all - all I could do was hum and mumble.
Slowly, over a period of months, the ability to speak came back to me, just
about as smooth and fluent as ever, but so soft as to be barely audible.
Now, it seems that I have read so much P.D. literature, that my brain, too,
cannot get the message to my tounge, and form the word that I want to say.
This is soooo frustrating, I know; to know exactly what you want to say, but
your mouth just will not form the words.
As for the fatigue and tremor, I can only relate to the fatigue. It is
something that all PWP must deal with, my friend. For me, simply existing
takes so much energy, sometimes it seems that the trick is to keep breathing.

Jacob (27,9)