

Make sure and take the time to thank 60 minutes for their coverage (albeit
brief) of their coverage of Jim Finn!  As I'm sure you all know, the media
plays such an integral role in shaping public opinion.  They can be
accessed by
Melanie Sweeney

Dear 60 minutes
I appreciated your coverage of Parkinson's sufferrer Jim Finn on your
program dated June 21, 1998.  Though I do not personally suffer from
Parkinson's disease, my father-in-law does, and the physical changes made
by the disease to him as well as the demands it has placed on those who
love him are great.  Parkinson's is a disease that robs those people who
have jobs, children, responsibilities and abilities of their level of
functioning, leaving them with an incurable disease that consumes one's
energy, financial resources and ultimately ability to care for onesself.
There are medicines to combat some of the symptoms of the disease, but they
are expensive and cause side effects, and do not work reliably for long
periods of time.  Treatments such as the fetal pig implant are a great
stride toward managing the effects of the disease and enable it's sufferers
to resume productive lives, as well as bringing back ability to enjoy
productive life.  Attention by the media to treatments such as this provide
heightened awareness among millions of viewers and improve the chances that
changes will occur.
Thank you
Melanie D. Sweeney