

        Greetings everyone,   This afternoon I tried to put a little humor into a
serious problem.  PWP should evaluate themselves often about thier ability
to drive. I realized that my reflex with my foot was slow also I had
trouuble turning my head around to see if the traffic was clear. I think
that the pwp knows best of  their ability to drive. I stopped myself
because I did not want to kill anybody. It can happen and then how would I
live with that. My ego is not so big that I could not say that i should
give up driving. I am lucky that I have a beatiful and wonderful caregiver,
my wife. She even still says that I am the boss in the house.
        Barb .. It is funny that you mentioned your clock on the vcr. We had an
electric outage last night and I spent over 45 min to reset all the digital
clocks in the house. The coffee maker wouldn't even work until i reset it.
I get tired of reseting all the clocks so I leave the one by my bed alone.
I just stop it from blinking. The trouble is that I have to figure how many
hours I am off , so I can add it or subtract it  to get the real time.
        Jeanette .  thanks for the advise on the car washing. I have always said
that I don't do windows (an old joke from my working days) I think I will
include cars to in that statement.