

 I was so excited to hear of the 60 min info on Parkinson's !  As you may
recall  I am Wendy and my mom Ellie is has PD. I have to tell you  I read to
her a post from this list that helped her so much.  I do not recall who
posted just that they were explaining how they felt during the course of the
day.  It may have been Janet?  Any way Mom for once in all these years said
that she felt a kindred spirit with this person who was posting how they
feel when they have a off day.  Thank you from myself and my mom Ellie just
for sharing that.

Now on to my question on Siniment..  My mom is taking  200/50   3 x a day.
They are suppose to be time released.  She wakes up feeling great high
function and can do most things.  As soon as she takes her medication it
puts her in a low function mode.  Some days she cannot do much and feels
Locked in her body for this short time.  This has just started and it is
scary for her and for me.   I was wondering does this sound right that after
the medication is taken you get worse?   Does this seem like Alot of
medication for her.
She is only  5" 2' tall and 115 lbs.  So not a large person.  We are in the
process of doing a daily diary.. My Aunt is visiting from MN and is able to
write down for mom how she feels.  I had offered for her to come live in our
house but she is not yet ready to do this. and I respect her for wanting to
stay on her own.   Thanks for this list and the Care givers list

God bless,
Wendy Samper  CG Mom/Ellie  64/7
Macon, Georgia

 "A son is a son until he takes a wife...
   But a daughter is a daughter for the rest
                   of her life!"