


"Remote woman?"  MOI?  Nope.... I've got ONE 16 year old remote with 6 buttons
on it (Ken just shuddered at that) <giggle> in the whole house.  it works fine
on my 16 year old 15 INCH (Ken's getting pale) <ducking> RCA TV (which IS
color!) .

When I had the cable company out to hook the TV to the cable the cable guy
(who wasn' t at ALL like Jim Carey in the movie, 'Cable Guy") <which is just
as well, 'cause I woulda slammed the door in his face> commented that my l'il
TV might be considered an antique compared to todays' models.  HUMPH!  What
does HE know?!? <grin>

"Nail Polish Woman?" That'd DEFINITELY apply to me!!  <smile>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Gina Cass.
Sent:   Monday, June 22, 1998 12:35 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: NON PD: Digital Clocks and how to WIN!

Kudos Remote Woman. Or would it be Nail Polish Person.  Have bottles will
travel.  That was wonderful, proving that we women work with what we have.
I am fond of Duct Tape.  Many ideas in mind for Duct Tape.
Thank you - LOL