

At 07:08 PM 6/23/98 , you wrote:
>Hi all,
>All these messages of mail failure, while actually they have been sent...
>Could it be an omen for a really great disaster coming up this week:
>WINDOWS 98 being released on june 25th (in only TWO days)!!!!!!!
>Hide while you still can........  8<{)))))))

Yes, Hans, and if they are releasing it at one minute past midnight in the
Netherlands, as they are here in Texas and the other 49 states and Canada,
you'll get it- what does it work out to be? - five to eight hours before we


 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
 (nickname on instant mail, ICQ, and chat programs is cutterson)

   Always Remember This:  Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness