

Pardon me for intruding here, but forget the Prowler.  It's got an anemic
little 6 cylinder motor, not worth the price.  Get a Viper - 491 c.I. V-12,
400 hp (I think maybe 425 or 450 this year) , God only knows how much
torque.  You could really smoke 'em, just like your 4-4-2.  Of course you'd
have to give up all your drugs in order to afford it....

P.S. I don't know how long it's been since you drove a '69, or even a ''79
anything, but you would be amazed at how poorly they compare with modern
cars, and how unsafe  they feel.  Loose steering, primitive suspensions,
loooooong stopping brakes, etc.  Great for the nostalgia, though.  In fact,
this discussion has got me thinking about going looking for one.  A GTO
convertible maybe?