

Jim - would like to add my best wishes to you - it was good to put a face to
a name - much courage, and thanks for the 60 mins CBS interview - as you say
much controversy among PDR's and the medical community but someone has to
try new techniques..
Of course I read all you have to offer.  Many thanks.  Fleurette

At 10:13 AM 6/23/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Group -
>If this is a repeated message, please pardon the fact that AOL is having mail-
>delivery problems.
>I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who wrote with kind words
>of encouragement and support.  I was amazed at the number of letters from both
>E-Mail and the ListServe.
>"60 Minutes" presented a balanced view on this very experimental, and
>exciting, research.  Although it is quite controversial, I believe that it
>offers genuine hope for all of us.
>I will, as always, keep you informed about any news or changes.
>Warmly -
>Jim Finn