

Yesterday, June 23, 1998, the House Labor-HHS Appropriations subcommittee
approved the FY 1999 appropriations bill which was drafted by Congressman
John Porter, R.ILL, the subcommittee chairman. The bill will be sent to
the full committee and the House after the July 4th recess.

NIH receives a 9% increase in overall funding that would go to two
important areas identified by NIH Director Harold Varmus. Those are
genetic medicine and neuroscience which, according to the committee,
"promises insights into Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease".

This language, is very promising, indeed. It reflects the House
Appropriations committee's interest and desire to increase funding for
Parkinson's disease and clearly is the result of all of your grass roots

We need to write Porter and congratulate him on his efforts, wisdom and
compassion.Also continue your communications with the other member of the
full House Appropriations committee enlisting their support for the
subcommittee bill.

If you have any questions please call either Bill Turenne or me at (800)

Larry Hoffheimer
Washington Counsel
National Parkinson Foundation, Inc.