

Our sympathies go out to you for your fall. Last summer Cecily 78/20 went
for a little walk by herself - her toe caught on a broken slab of concrete
and went flat on her face. Her glasses were plastic so didn't break, just
incurably scratched -- buuuuuuuut - her face was horrible - bled very little
but as the bruises aged with the usual color changes she made Frankenstein's
monster look beautiful. We live in an apartment complex and an employee saw
her and escorted her home. Within a week or so all the broken slabs around
the place were broken up, removed, roped off and eventually replaced. We
probably had grounds for a suit, but she had no permanent damage, so we were
happy. Needless to say she no longer walks alone ( Remember that song )
So you are not alone either.
Bob Anibal  CG for Cecily