

Barb, I have read your posting, and I really think you are doing whatever it
will take to beat PD, or at least cope,  until a cure comes along. I am on the
list because my late father had PD, and other conditions, starting with a
heart attack 42 years ago, he lived to be 81, worked until he was 75, and left
us a lot of wonderful memories.  We are still getting cards and letters and
calls, weeks later.
I have a few suggestions that help me cope with whatever problems come up in
my life. I  believe in G-d.  I am thankful for all the good things He has
brought to my life. If life were totally predictable and perfect, most of us
would  want to curl up and die of boredom.  So far I have been blessed with 55
healthy years.  That could change in a heartbeat. If or when it does, I will
not be angry with G-d. Sometimes things just happen, and that is why life is
such an adventure.  I read the obituaries in the newspaper every day. Infants
dying, what could be worse?  Young parents or middle aged people in the prime
of life, that's depressing. The heros who die saving strangers, they make
their families proud, but leave an even bigger void. What about the  folks who
live to be around 100? Why did they not get another few years?  We must be
happy for the time we get!  I read the comics every day. I enjoy them, they
relax me, so why not?  I watch less and less TV, but I enjoy comedy shows. I
try to read everything on this list. I never forget the  phrase: "This Too
Shall Pass".  It always applies!  Please do not grade this as an English
paper,  I can still see my English teacher's red marker in my nightmares.  I
hope I have helped you in some way.  If nothing else, you can skip your
sleeping pill! :-) [log in to unmask]