

Gee, Dennis.... I've always pictured MY PD as having the disposition and looks
of an alligator that's been crossbred with a camel and a jackhammer.

How did YOUR PD get so darn thoughtful and attached to you, huh? <groan>

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Dennis Greene
Sent:   Thursday, June 25, 1998 10:24 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        "Dear John" letter

My dearest PWP,

It isn't fair you know.

I mean what's wrong with me.

Ever since we met I've been working as hard as I can to get closer to you
and look how you treat me.  I have had to put up with denial, outright
rejection, and even threats against my life, and all I've ever done is try
to get you to slow down, bend a little, and move to my rhythm.  I mean -come
on now - be fair - is that to much to ask?

Especially when you consider my total commitment to you. I'm not some
fly-by-night, here today gone tomorrow affair.  I was here for the long
haul - I wanted to be with you - always.  But you just won't commit and you
accuse me of such terrible things.  You blame me for driving you to drugs;
for hurting you; for threatening your family.  Why, why do you say these
things. You know you only take the drugs to hurt me and I'm not the one who
drilled holes in your head (I still can't believe you actually did that - I
thought you were joking). As for being the cause of stress in your family -
I haven't even seen your rabbits!!

Now you are asking for $100,000,000 more to get me out of your life.  Do you
really hate me that much? Perhaps you do. We have been fighting for so long
now that I don't know if I love or hate you. Maybe it is time to part.

Tell you what - you keep what's left of your life and I'll take the money
and run

I'll never forget you!


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Dennis Greene 48/11
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