

Hello again Dennis and Gail,

I'm just received the support of the spanish headmaster: Ana-Mari del
Arco and her spanish listserv , for the petition:
Here the e-mail-adresses:


> Benedicte,
> Rather than addresses (which are fine), what would be helpful is a
> letter from the Spanish listserve that could be recopied and sent to the
> Congressmen, like the one from the French support group with their own
> personal view point and plea.
> Your cyber sis,
> Gail Vass in Virginia

----- and I just received this --------

Dear  Gail,

I am very happy to receive news from your actions. I  am going to
dispatch your message to the friends of our group. I contact immediatly
the spanish headmaster Ana Mari to have a letter.for you .

From our side,  we are trying to obtain a financial support too, by our
European Commission in Brussels. The spanish listserv (Universal
Parkinson) has already writen to their deputies to ask for 200 millions
euros ( = 200 millions dollars) to find a cure for Parkinson.

We are also working together :  Spanish, French, German, Belgian friends
to prepare an european project to send for this same Commission.I will
give you news.

warm greetings
your cybersister Benedicte
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