

     Hi.  My name is Shirley and I just joined the list last week.  I have
really enjoyed reading the mail and realizing that there are others just like
me out there.  I am 55 and was diagnosed with PD in 1986, but of course the
symptoms go back much further.  I had a left pallidotomy last year in January
which was very successful for the first few months.  I really could walk by
myself in the mornings, but the main help has been that I no longer have
dyskinesia.  All too soon, the early morning weakness came back, but still no
dyskenesia.  Besides the Sinemet, regular and CR, I take the new drugs Requip
and Tasmar, and the off periods have slowed down.
     I have a question for other pallidotomy patients.  I have developed
severe pain in the lower back and hips, sometimes I can't walk for the pain.
Also lately, I have muscle spasms in the back of my legs- thighs, calves and
knees.  Just a question in my mind if this might be an after effect of the
surgery?  There are not too many of us out there, and it would interesting to
know if others are troubled with the same problem.
     Thanks for your input, and I really enjoy being a part of such an
enthusiastic group!   Shirley Wooldridge.