

Nita and List from Barb Brock:

This is a copy of a sample letter which can be sent to either of the following
by your senators and congressperson.  Make sure they receive a copy of one
with an appropriate letter from you:

The Honorable John Edward Porter
Chairman, House Appropriations Subcommittee
Labor, health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515


The Honorable Arlen Specter
Chairman, Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
Labor, health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

RE:  Full Udall Funding of Parkinson's Research in FY 1999

Dear Mr. Chairman _____________________:

        The nationwide Parkinson's disease research program has long suffered from an
inadequate federal research investment.  Research on Parkinson's has received
less than $30 million a year for decades, and it received only $35 million
last year--$35 per patient for the million Americans suffering from this
terrible disorder.  This means breakthroughs delayed, unnecessary suffering,
and a nation burdened by the $25 billion annual cost of disability.

        The Congress responded last year by enacting the Udall parkinson's Research
Act (P. L. 105-78), which was signed into law on November 13, 1997.  Now
Congress must fulfill the promise to increase funding for Parkinson's-focused

        I support full funding of the Udall Act in the FY 1999 Appropriation for the
National Institutes of Health.  I ask you to ensure that the FY 1999
appropriation of the National Institutes of Health include at least $100
million in Parkinson's-focused research, as provided in the Udall Act.


Member of Congress