

Hello Delda, I appear to have missed your question about biting the inside of
your mouth, but I did see Stefan's  reply, and I can maybe contribute a little.

I too suffer occasional injury through biting my mouth, cheek, etc on the
inside. I suppose that it is our old friend PD casually causing one of the
mouth muscles to get out of synchronisation. When it happened to me I often
used to find that the affected area tended to swell, making it much more
likely that another bite would occur, and so on.

I am sure that it would not happen if I chewed more carefully etc. but can
a leopard change its spots? I have to try to remember so many things that to
a non PWP are second nature that I would need something like a -747 pilot's
check list before I started eating.

I can recommend one thing that has helped me  considerably: to any new bite
which I may give myself, I apply a jelly-like substance which must have many
names, but is called Bonjela in the UK. Its primary purpose is to soothe
young children who are teething by rubbing it on their gums. It has a local
anaesthetic, seems to help in stopping the swelling, and helps prevent the
introduction of secondary infection, and is very good at curing those
painful little mouth ulcers which can occur.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>