

The Washington Post web page reports this morning: " House Republicans
yesterday crafted a major domestic spending bill that boosts funding for
NIH by $1.2 billion---.   ---by showering funds on medical and scientific
research favored by House Speaker Newt Gingrich while squeezing other
programs favored by the Democrats."

" The NIH clearly would be the single biggest beneficiary. According to an
analysis prepared by NIH Director Harold Varmus's office in February, much
of the additional funding ---a 9 % increase over this year--would go into
two especially fast-moving fields : genetic medicine, which looks at the
relationship between genes and disease, and neuroscience, which promises
insights into Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and various
psychiatric syndromes."

This has to survive the annual struggle for the final budget approval , but
it helps to have Newt favoring research. I don't know how this reconciles
with funding the Udall Act with $ 100 million , but it looks like a step in
the direction which we all want. I will be interested in an analysis of
this development by Mike Claeys of PAN.