

Last year (actually about a year and a half ago) when my husband was diagnosed
I was practically inconsolable.  Few knew what on earth to do for or with me.
This year, when I suggested to my faculty that they help me write letters for
Udall (I wrote, they signed), they felt so happy and told me they had not
known what to do and thanked me for giving them a way to help.  What good
hearts they have!  Now they are banding together to form Teachers Against

You have given this man who gave his room to you a way to help for which he is
no doubt most grateful.  His gift is his own reward.  Of that I have no doubt.
That's the way it is with me.  My giving is not only a gift to the recipient,
but also a gift to me.  I'm sure you know that from your own experience.
Accept it.  It was a sign of affection and compassion.
