

Billy Graham is putting on what is called a NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION
BILLY GRAHAM MISSION June 25-28. Most of the events are being held at
the Corell Centre, the home of the popular Ottawa Senators hockey team.

At the Corel Centre yesterday he held a press conference which included
the distributiion of a written statement which contains some interesting
comments related to his PD condition :- "" The Parkinson's disease makes
me tire more quickly, and sometimes my thinking isn't as clear as it
once was. The latter has caused me to perfect the 'prgnant pause' in my
sermons. His doctors at the Mayo clinic in Rochester , Minnestoa, have
recentlly told him that with the right diet and plenty of rest I could
preach well past my 80th bbirthday this November and into the 21st

An encuraaging message! Also interesting to note the emphasis on diet
and no mention of drugs.Would anyone have a contact at the Mayo clinic
and possibly follow up on his eating regime ??

Ken Clements       < [log in to unmask]