

Dear friends

I recently received this letter from Senator John McCain.  Please write to him
and let him know how we appreciate all he has done to help us, and for still
standing by us ..  although most of us know that he chose to continue working
for us side by side (please note his letter :  2nd paragraph, lines 4-9). I
think it's important we don't take him for granted. As opportunities occur, we
need to try as much as we can, to thank  those that stand by us and let them
know how important their continued help is to us nationwide, and worldwide.
Yes - please let Senator McCain hear from our family in the U.S. and around
the world. After all rumor is that Senator McCain may someday be President He
should be concerned how his decisions impact people worldwide...


June 15, 1998

Dear Maryhelen

I sincerely appreciate your kind words regarding the Morris K. Udall
Parkinson's Research Act of 1997.  It was an honor to sponsor this measure on
behalf of the millions of people afflicted by Parkinson's throughout our

As you know, the Udall bill, which authorizes $100 million for Parkinson's
research at the National Institutes of Health, passed the Senate and was
included in H.R. 2264, the FY98 Labor/H.H.S. Appropriations bill which
President Clinton signed into law on Nov. 13 1997.  While the measure did not
include funding for the 1998 fiscal year,  it did establish the authority to
fund up to $100 million dollars for Parkinson's research in the future fiscal

This provision is critical to millions of Americans, and I wholeheartedly
believe that we cannot afford to lose the opportunity to capitalize on recent
promising scientific strides toward a cure or treatment for this debilitating
disease.  Therefore, it is critical that the funding which was authorized when
the Udall bill became law be included in the 1999 fiscal year (FY) budget,
which begins October 1st 1998, to keep this momentum going and provide much-
needed funding for critical research. Currently, I'm working with my
colleagues and the administration to ensure that this important money is
included in the FY 1999 budget.

Again, thank you for your support and dedication to this important measure.
It is because of your dedication and perseverance and the thousands of
Parkinson's advocates that we succeeded in getting the legislation signed into


John McCain
United States Senator


Here's his mailing address to his Washington Office:

     241 Russell Senate Office Building
     Washington,  DC 20510-0303

Washington DC phone:  (202) 224 -- 2235


His Arizona addresses and telephone numbers are:
1839 South Alma School Road
Suite 375
Mesa Arizona 85210

phone (602)  491 -- 4300

2400 East Arizona Biltmore Circle
Suite 1150
Phoenix Arizona 85016

phone (602) 952 - 2410

450 West Paseo Redondo
Suite 200
Tucson Arizona 85701
phone (520) 670-6334

telephone for hearing impaired
(202) 224-7132
(602) 952-0170


Thanks everybody!

Maryhelen Davila
Phoenix Arizona