

Extend your hand and with your finger
in the air draw a four and linger
at each change in direction and also at
the intersection.

At each point where you must stop
do not  permit your hand to drop.
Now, in a loud voice say for me
reverse abc's, begin with "D".

My wife performed the above in five seconds.
She did it a second time in less than five seconds.
That is, she drew the first line of the four,  said "dcba",
drew the second line, "dcba",  and so on.

Meds Begining to wear off
I was able to perform the instructions in about
the same amout of time, once I got started.
However, I locked up at the start. I also had a slight
problem holding my hand still at each pause.

My right arm begins shaking as I begin to raise it.
I can just hold it at sholder level but it drops slightly
as I began the letters. My vision blurs slightly as I concentrate
on what I'm doing.
The horizontal line is lower on the right.
I can't raise my hand to its starting hight without effort.
As I began the second downward stroke toward the
intersection I began falling forward and stopped to correct balance.
Time required: 15 seconds, possibly more as I timed myself.

Marvin Giles