

Flemco- wrote:
> Linda,
> I may be wrong but what has the government ever cured?  They are causing us more harm than good by proposing this drop in the bucket of $100M.  It is just going to employ a lot of bureaucrats and subsidize more lobbyist, fund raisers, and printers.
> It seems to me if there is financial reward, private industry will figure a way and much more efficiently and much quicker. With a million parkies in this country, we each could give $100 dollars to Hoffman -LaRoche or Eli Lilly and they would put the $100M to a more useful purpose like pure research with no lobbyists or politicians input.
> Any thoughts?
> Larry Fleming

Wake up Larry! Most of the PURE resesearch is carried on in the
government laboratories, from NIH for the medical sciences to Defense
for electronics, etc.
On the other hand, private, especially the pharmaceutical industry
prefers APPLIED science because they are interested in selling products,
new or old as long as they can sell!  When cure for PD is found, that
would mean that Hoffmann-LaRoche, Pfizer, Lilly, Upjohn, Boehringer,
etc. will have to go back to selling aspirins because there will be no
need for Sinemet, Tasmar...
In a comparative vein, the advent of CD's in the music business means
the death of the LP's which was the death of the 78's...  and if live
concerts could be brought directly to the individual at any time, the
recording business would perish...

In my book, scientific research at NIH has resulted in a great deal of
advances in the medical field. You could easily find them in scientific
Good luck

Michel Margosis
'Carpe Diem'