

---Luis and Wendy Samper <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I was so excited to hear of the 60 min info on Parkinson's !  As
you may
> recall  I am Wendy and my mom Ellie is has PD. I have to tell you  I
read to>> <snip>

Dear Wendy and list friends,

My father is in the same situation. After taking his pills, he starts
feeling bad again. He starts becoming very slow and starts having
muscle cramps and some jerky movements on his face. I wonder if it is
because it is the time to take his pills come or it is the side effect
of the pills. After 3 or 4 hours he starts feeling good again or he
feels good in the mornings until he takes his first medicine.

I would love to learn what we can do about this.

Thank you.


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