

Dear Gina,
I am new to this list also, and I want to express my feelings, I have also sensed
the caring and sharing and honesty, and I agree with our "Higher Power" leading us
and positioning us exactly where and how we are to be, and with his strength we
will make it.  My husband was diagnosed 9 years ago, and it has never fit, the
medicines do not work and finally the Neurologists have listened to me and have
diagnosed him with Parkinson + but only after I downloaded a "book" of info and
mailed it to her....Prayer has brought us every step of the way, from doctor to
doctor and finally when he was put on Aricept he has started to come alive again,
and I too praise the Lord everyday for his blessings and guidance, and I am
sending a virtual hug to you, and I would wipe your chin off, it is in my daily
list of things to do around here...and nope it aint so bad....God bless you...
Joann Shriver cg for Tom 68/9 Carson, WA
Gina Cass. wrote:

> I am new to this PD List.  I have seen words from the heart against a horrible
> disease.  I have read information being given freely, back and forth.  I saw
> the word family mentioned, as a newcomer was greeted.  Advice was being given
> about this problem or that question.  Always being passed along with
> understanding, compassion and a sense of, for lack of better terms "Been
> there, done that, bought the T-shirt."
> The one thing I know is I was given the right to choose.  To choose good from
> bad, expensive from cheap and I excercise my right.
> But I need your (all of your) advice.  I do not want to fight this alone.  The
> isolation is horrible at times, self-induced.  But that is my choice.  Told by
> friends "You should really get out more".  After a gnashing of teeth, they are
> looking out for my interest.  Yes, some are co-dependent but that is their
> job.  I am the master of my fate.
> But I do like some other pirates with me on the ship.
> I know you did not solicite this but I do like the sharing of feelings.  Mine
> are just racing out of control, at this time.  I was told at one time, that if
> I have a problem talk it to death.  So, I do.
> Your story was beautiful.  You see, I usually had many Challenged People
> around.  I don't know why, but my Higher Power decided that is where I should
> be.  'Ain't so bad.  I am no different, never was.  As this disease progresses
> I will be more like them.  And I hope that if someone sees me drooling in the
> corner, please wipe my mouth.
> Thanks for the time.
> Gina
> 47/6 months (5yrs undiagnosed with symptoms)