

In a message dated 98-06-27 04:24:40 EDT, you write:

 A few questions for those who might  have an answer.
 1.    Is it worth it?

No. Please don't get him "started"
Previous year - I talked to his staff (a few conversations by phone), and I
know other advocates visitetd directly with hiis staff and him. They don't
"listen" to an anything said. It 's as though  they  have blinders on, won't
"see" anything other  than what  they've put their sigihts on. They introduced
a bill worded almost exactly like the Udall bill except it included verbiage
excluding research related to fetal tissue. It divided our supporters
(especially in Arizona - we lost 1 Senator & 3 Congressman). I really felt it
was an exhibition of power rather than virtues. Smith can be very damaging to
us if he decides to entertain himself with us again. Mike Claeys I recall,
from PAN got involved clarifying the differances in the bill introduced by
Smith and ours. You might ask for his writings about that be reprinted for you
-- iI feel we're better off not "stirring him (Smith) up.

<<  Is fetal tissue implantation still part of the program  for treating PD

<< and is it likely to remain a part of the program? >>

<< Is it still considered experimental>>

<< or can any of us now get it done? >>
yes, you can get it done in California - The Hospital of The Good Samarain in
Los Angeles (high cost = about $45 - 50,000) and elsewhere (free under placebo
testing )

<< Does it work?>>
Scientific reports and fellow parkies that have had it say "yes" it works

<< successful as the pig implants? >>

<< In short is  there anything I could tell
 him that would be good news, from his standpoint, on using aborted fetus's?>>
NO - it's been tried over and over over YEARS

<< We rarely hear about it here on the List.>>
We hear about it here in "conservative" Arizona - it's ILLEGAL here.

<< Was anything ever put in Udall about this issue?>>
it was decided to just not mention it in the bill  - best idea

Please don't get Chris Smith stirred up
