

Dear Anne and list,

Anne, I really appreciate your understanding of  my "deterioration."
There is a horrible ogre that is always there, the "PD Monster," which
this  much-too-young person has struggled against since age 36.

VISIBILITY is the only alternative.  My friends in the HIV/AIDS movement
have always stood by the old standard, "SILENCE = DEATH."

I wish other susbscribers to our List would get to work, and put on  our
computer screens a first-draft of a flyer for July 3rd. This could be
equally applicable to Canada, or really anywhere.

 I'm sorry , everybody, I  just can't face more PD work right now-- so
come on, people, for Anne Rutherford, for me, for all of us,  "MAKE MY

I really think a FLYER or LEAFLET would make a HUGE DIFFERENCE.


^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      57   deg. F STEADY RAIN

On Sat, 27 Jun 1998 07:43:04 -0230 Anne Rutherford <[log in to unmask]>
>Ivan and list friends
>As my condition deteriorates I feel much the same as Ivan
>TIME is passing----
>HOW can we make ourselves visible!!
>Anne Rutherford Newfoundland