

To Mary Sheehan---How long have you been taking the Eldepryl and
can you tell of any noticable benifits?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Sheehan <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: New Recruit & New w/ Ques.

>Hi Michael and Kathy,
>I believe my PD started with a frozen shoulder about 14 years ago.  It was
>after that, that my symptoms became obvious to me: loss of arm swing,
>in movement in my right arm, deteriorating handwriting.  My doctor was
>convinced my symptoms were the lingering results of the frozen shoulder and
>wasn't until 2 1/2 years ago that he referred me to a neurologist, who
>much difficulty, diagnosed me with PD.
>Since my diagnosis, I have added a mild tremor in my right hand and slight
>rigidity in my right foot.  My movement specialist still does not feel I
>to start on Sinemet.  I take 5mg of Eldepryl once a day and 1/2 mg of
>3x a day, plus 1000 mg Vit.C and 800 U of Vit.E. After 14 (?) years the PD
>still limited to my right side.
>Please stay optimistic, exercise, stay involved and laugh a lot.  Don't let
>this dumb disease get you down.  New research is promising better control
>symptoms and there WILL be a cure (hopefully in the near future).
>Best of luck to you both.
>Mary Sheehan