

So, where are we in the clinical trials of GDNF. Call me paranoid, but I'm
beginning to suspect a conspiracy against us.
Seriously, though. I first heard about this drug over two years ago, and you
can not, and will not tell me this is all the further they have gotten on the

Isn't it funny, how our separate views and motivations come out on this list.
I mean, there are the helpers (the people who are sympathizers), the
informationalists (those who come in with new treatment info; there are the
humorists (those who look at the funny side of the disease; and then there are
the conspiracy theorists (of which it looks like, I am the only one).
I guess it all goes back to what caused all of this in the first place: an
awful case of paranoid schizophrenia, which led to my suicide attempt by CO

Jacob (27,9 1/2)