

Bob & Joy Graham <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>the services of Parkinson's Nurse Specialists (PNS).
>There was one response (about the practical help) from a list member
>regarding a UK PNS.
>If there are other List members from the UK - or any PNS who are List
>members, I would like to hear from you as to:
>1.  How the PNS operates in your area (practicalities of the job)

She works alongside one or more neurologists and tends to look at the
PWPs overall quality of life, rather than just the medical solution or
alleviation of PD symptoms.

>2. Who funds the PNS?

In most cases it has been the PD Society in the first instance. This has
been pump-priming, with the intention of getting the local Health Trust
(National Health Service) to pick up the costs once it proves

>3. Some example case studies about how the PNS has successfully interve=
>to prevent hospitalisation - or recognise a potential problem and got
>hospitalisation before crisis situation.

A frequent issue is self-medication of PWP while in hospital for
something else. The PD Nurse will often run a training session to ensure
the staff understand the implications of being without!

Talking to a PWP on a social front as well as the medical one, often
leads to secondary side effects being discussed, and solutions found.
For my money, they are the best resource for us since sliced bread!

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Hampshire, UK