

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    63     deg. F foggy

How useful is a statistic??

If a March, 1998, APDA-derived estimate of 3500 PWP's per Congressionaal
District, that my State Senator obtained for use in the Maine Parkinson's
Awareness Resolution, is close to accurate;

and if  there are 6 or 7 people  either in the immediate family or who
are close friends, who are each PWP's caregivers;

then there are 25,000 or so persons (PWP's + CG's) DIRECTLY affected by
PD in each District, on a daily basis!

That is an interesting, large number to use.

What do Listmembers think?  Is this 25,000 an OK number for us to use?

(I feel that our numbers may be even greater.)

Ivan Suzman  48/11
Portland,  Maine