



Ok... OK... so we DID miss the 4th of July festivities by a day, but in
keeping with the spirit of the holiday, we've planned a real old fashioned 4th
of July dinner at a real old fashioned American-style restaurant!   Errrrr...
kinda... sorta.... (OK... OK... so that's stretching the truth a little, but
at least the food's terrific!) Uhhh... OK?  <grin>

Join members of the Tri-Valley PD Support Group of Encino Hospital and the San
Fernando Valley PD Support Group at their always-fun-and-lively monthly

WHAT:    "Just-Missed-the-4th-of-July-Dinner"
WHEN:    SUNDAY, July 5th (that's right, SUNDAY)
WHERE:   Szechuwan Garden Chinese Restaurant
         17719 Vanowen Street
         Reseda, CA
           (818) 343-2665
TIME:    7:00 p.m. PST (Parkie Standard Time)
DRESS:   As casual as it comes!
NOTE:    This is a "no host" event.  Your adult family,
         friends, and caregiver's are welcome.

Directions:   From the Ventura Fwy (the 101), get off at the Whiteoak ramp and
go north to Vanowen St.  Restaurant is 2-3 doors past Whiteoak, ON Vanowen,
but must be entered from the parking lot BEHIND the building, accessed from
Whiteoak.  While on Whiteoak, before Vanowen,  get into the left lane and
drive through the intersection of Whiteoak and Vanowen and enter the parking
lot by turning in front of ZIG'S restaurant.  Parking is free and ample.

QUESTIONS?  Call Barb Mallut, at (818) 705-3037