

One of my volunteer jobs is working for a radio show for blind and diabled as
part of our Oregon PBS network (OPB). the program is called Golden Hours and
goes into homes throughout the state through a special receiver. Today I found
a PSA (Public Service Announcement) about MS. In the past I have seen PSA's
for Diabetes, Arthritis and Alzheimers.  The program director is blind and is
always looking for information on disbaled/diseases. He is more than willing
to play a PD PSA frequently. Does anyone know if there is such  a cassette
available------if there isn't, there sure should be.
Periodically  PWP's have appeared to tell their story on a live show. . I
always make a tape for our suppoet group  meetings which are played the week
before the meet.
 Five of us spoke about the PD and Udall.In May we did an hour on a series
called "Beyond Affliction"
Contacting your PBS radio station with  PSA and possibly air time  would
certainly help put this lousy disease in the public eye.
How about it people?