

hi all

just a little nudge is all i needed
to press on with the second in this series!

here's the intro from #1:
when i posted my 'series' on cd last summer
based on the 'perceptions' theme
i credited david burns and his book 'feeling good'
with having been of great help to me

i believe that his theories on cognitive therapy
and automatic negative thoughts
apply to our society in general
not just those suffering with
clinical depression

since learning to recognise negative distortions in my own thinking
i find that i can 'see' it in others more and more easily
[kind of like when you buy a volkswagen]

but this leaves me in a quandary

if one of the ten cognitive distortions is 'disqualifying the positive'
am i not guilty of emphasising the negative
by 'seeing' distortions in others?

ouch, my head hurts!

nevertheless, i will press on with this long-pondered scheme of mine
viz sharing what i have learned about negative thinking
with my cyber-family
one distortion
at a time

david burns describes
negative thoughts or cognitions as
running through my mind automatically
without the slightest effort on my part to put them there
they are as obvious and as natural to me as the way i hold a fork

the first one, "all or nothing thinking",
is based on perfectionism,
on the mistaken idea that everything can be reduced to
innocent / guilty
either / or
pass / fail
black / white
whereas, in reality, everything is shades of gray
black and white do not exist


the second one, "overgeneralization",
[which sounded to me like a double redundancy!]
means that i might mistakenly tend to view
a single negative event
as part of a never-ending pattern of defeat

this isn't 'just' negative thinking
or dingy-coloured glasses
this is an outright twisting of reality: a lie

this particular distortion is one of the most insidious;
it can make all the others
appear to be
magnified to an absolutely hopeless degree

i may think an automatic negative thought
in the mode of all or nothing thinking
"i flunked that exam - i'm a complete failure!"

if that first distortion gets exacerbated by the second distortion
"i flunked that exam - i'm a complete failure!
and i always have been and i always will be!"

my sense of reality is straying much farther off the track
and the downward spiral of depression / anxiety
gets even more slippery

when i start feeling more unhappy and anxious
'venting' or expressing those feelings
might be a temporary relief
but correcting my misperception of reality
is the only way to truly turn things around

what is the source of the distortion?
those automatic critical thoughts running on in my head

how do i deal with them?
i learn to recognise them when they appear
i learn to talk back, to question their source, to refute them

a good example for me
was a couple of years ago when i was late
for a airplane flight from bermuda to new york
[i was going on a five day holiday]

i was late for various reasons
some to do with my supposed 'procrastination'
and some to do with circumstances beyond my control

i found myself sitting in the bank
waiting to purchase travelers checks 60 minutes before flight time
and the airport was 45 minutes away
and i was fourth in line
and i had no other source of american cash/funds

i rapidly became more and more tense
i watched the second hand on the clock
maybe the line will move up in 30 seconds...
i started to sweat with anxiety...
my heart started pounding...

...and then i stopped

and took a long hard look at what was happening
in reality

i was beating myself up with automatic distorted thoughts like
"why are you always late?"
"you will never get to nyc!"
"how could you be so dumb?"
"this bank always has such lousy service!"
"why me?"  etc etc etc ad nauseum

first i recognised the distortions for what they were = lies

if my thoughts had reflected reality, they would have been:
"i am not always late"
"i have and i would get to nyc somehow sometime"
"i am not dumb; sometimes my behaviour can be"
"this bank gives mediocre service most of the time,
good service sometimes, and lousy service rarely"
"why not me? is everything supposed to be perfect just for me?"

second, i took stock of reality:
a. i had to get travelers checks - no alternative there
b. i would probably be in the bank for another 30 minutes
c. it was 1:00pm and my flight was scheduled for 2:00pm
d. since the airport was 45 minutes away,
it was obvious that i was not going to make the flight

third, i looked realistically at alternatives:
a. i'm going to miss the plane
b. but there are at least six flights to nyc every day
c. and the one i missed is the first one
d. isn't that fortunate?
e. i will just have to try to get on another, later flight
f. and i will be able to take care of that when i get to the airport

and miracle of miracles, the gloom cleared away!
my anxiety sweats were replaced by my humming a tune to myself
and i sat there waiting patiently
cool as a cucumber
enjoying self-inflicted relaxation
instead of self-inflicted hysteria

and of course, later,
i enjoyed my 4:00pm flight to nyc!

your cyber-sibling in stock-taking


janet paterson
51/10 - endocarb/selegiline/fluoxetine - [log in to unmask]
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