

JEEEEEEEEEZ!  Youse all's goin' about fixing the
problem in THE silliest way!

All ya hafta do is dine at an El Torito Restaurant and
have a lotta chips dipped in their hottest salsa.  THAT
immediately takes care of any constipation you might

It's recommended you not linger over a cuppa coffee,
tho, 'cause when that stuff hits your system it HITS
your system! <giggle>

Barb Mallut (single handedly supporting El Torito Restaurant) <LOL>
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of p. l. maddux
Sent:   Thursday, July 02, 1998 5:59 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Chronic constipation-how to avoid it?

My solution to regular B/M's is to drink a large glass of room temp
prune juice every so often as needed. In my case it is every-other
morning. Beleive it on not I learned this by watching a late night talk
show (Leno I think). He made some kind of a joke that referred to Bob
Dole (The somewhat old ex senator) and prune juice. It then dawned on me
that I had heard that this was really helpfull at least to some people
and it works wonderfull for me.  And I am PO'ed at all the doctors that
did not suggest this solution to me for constipation. They need to talk
to me or ex Sen Dole.

Lanier Maddux