

Don just started wearing suspenders.  He has lost so much weight he thought
that because he had to have his belt so tight to hold up his pants and it
made his back hurt.  He really like them.  Nancy B cg for Don 64/14+
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Anibal <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, July 04, 1998 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: Curious Symptoms -- Gastro-intestinal and Swelling

>I can't help but wonder. Did you ever consider suspenders, or as the Brits
>call them  braces.  ??  I started to wear them when I was in college( class
>of 40) because a belt hurt my tummy. I quit wearing  them one time as I was
>advised that  they would prevent me from getting a promotion  -  they were
>very much out of style at that time - when they came back in I started
>wearing them again and have ever since. and I never did get that particular
>Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
>to hold up their pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Silly - my grandkids loved this - the first time I asked it they got it
>right - older people frequently can't figure it out
>Bob Anibal  CG for Cecily 78/20    [log in to unmask]