

Interesting thread, this....   And I've gotta admit that initially I hesitated
to comment out of embarrassment.  This topic REALLY gets down to the most
elementary basics, doesn't it?  And the responses shows just how secure and
trusting we all feel here amongst our List-family and friends.   Atsa good
feeling, People...

Soooooo... count me in amongst those suffering from gas, bloating and
diarrhea.  This has been an intermittent problem until recently, however, over
the past coupla-three months it's been continuous.   The diarrhea responds to
Imodium (an OTC drug) but NOTHING stops the bloating towards the end of the
day or the gas.

One thing I've noticed is that restaurant food seems to exacerbate the
symptoms.  And there are a few restaurants I've stopped going to because I got
tired of the coincidence of gastro-intestinal problems that ALWAYS hit me
within mere moments of finishing the meal.

For what it's worth, I DO take Sinemet CR and DON'T take Mirapex.  And the
condition absolutely always becomes worse whenever I'm in a particularly
stressful point in my life.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of .Joan Waterman
Sent:   Saturday, July 04, 1998 1:25 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Curious Symptoms -- Gastro-intestinal and Swelling

I, too, have had trouble with swelling and feel bloated so much since I've
been on Mirapex.  Also, have had a tremendous increase in appetite!  Has
anyone had this experience?

I  don't participate much on this listserv, but I really appreciate twho do.

Ruth Clark