

Hi Kathy & Susan;

I'm a dumb Canadian but I've been following the Udall Bill with the
greatest interest since it has potential to do so much good for all
Parkinsonians.  I think I can answer your questions.  Nita Andres &
Phil Tompkins & Janet Paterson and so many others on this list have
taught me how to find info on this subject.

Kathy wrote:
>I have been reading all of the mail about the Udall bill, but being
>new to this must admit that I don't know what the Udall bill is.  Is
>there someplace I can read a copy of it on the internet.
>Also, I live about 30 minutes from Fenton, MI.  As I have never
>really been actively involved in politics before this, I don't know
>if I am a constituent of Dale Kildee's or not.  How can I find out?
>Can you provide me with Kildee's e-mail and snail mail address and
>give me some help in what I should say when I write.

Susan Wilson wrote:

>I am new to the Parkinsons research front. Can you send me any
>information on the Udall Bill and what it's all about.
>You can email me at Swilsonpti@aol

Kathy & Susan, you can read the entire text of the Udall Bill

Here is a web site to tell you how to reach your congressman:

and committee members at:

You can get US Gov. info on-line at:

Type Udall in the "Search by Word/Phrase" box & click on search.

Check out bills 9, 10, & 12

There are links for Summary; Status; Full Display........

You can also search the List Archives for Udall information, but be
prepared for a lot of "inundation"

Here is a modified (for Udall) text of janet paterson's latest post
on accessing the archives:


since every message ever posted to the pd list
is automatically included in our evergrowing pd list archives
they contain a vast amount of information
dating back to the list's creation in november 1993
by our esteemed 'list mom' barb patterson


those of us with web access
can search the pd list archives at the 'James' website
[aha! named for james parkinson]
kindly provided by Simon Coles:

1. go to his website "Welcome to James"  at:

2. click on the 'hot link' to the search page
and then enter the following term in the search query window:

if you wanted to reduce the amount of hits
enter the following terms in the search query window:
     Udall AND Claeys
or  Udall AND Testimony
or  Udall AND shell letter

3. you should then be presented with a list of postings
click on one of them to look at it
you could then print it, or download it, or mail it to yourself

knowledge = power

All the best .............. Murray 53/4

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