

Although you have already received some great info on the Udall Bill,perhaps I
can add more.

By calling either you townshil or city clerk,which ever applies, you can find
out who your rep is.

When I recently attendeed the PAN Forum in D.C> Ethel and Jim Bence from
Fenton were there and they head the Flint Support Group.Their tel no. is

It is indeed very important to contact your senators and rep and also
Cong.Knollenberg,who is from Michigan and is on the Appropriations
Committee.Letters are great and,if possible,to tell your own story of how PD
has impacted you and others in your family.The research for PD is exciting and
with full funding the chances of a cure are most promising.Right now of all
major diseases PD is funded the lowest.

Phone calls are also a very good idea to let your concerns be known>enlist
your friend,family,etc.Quanity does count.

Some tel nos.that might be helpful are:

Sen.Carl Levin:1-202224-6221
Sen.Abraham:1-202-224-4822      Note-They could have phone Nos. in your area
MIchigan Parkinsons Foundation:1-800-852-9781    They will send out a packet
of basic info,if you request it.They also send out newsletter  with info
around the state.

Hope this helps

Lorraine Jeffe  MPF,Director