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Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=111). The server is probably not started. LISTSERV 16.0 - PARKINSN Archives



   It was just the other day when I was sharing with Betty[ Jim Cartwright] the thought that one has to have some tough skin to survive in our world and on the List. Well today I have thin skin and am getting annoyed with the children on this list who find humor in their inability to pronounce a word. Normally that alone would strike me as the healthy ability to make fun of myself but today effort at banter falls far short of laughing at one's self and strikes me as overt hostility at someone or something that belongs to someone. Today seems more like a gang mentality has taken over and you all should be ashamed of yourselves.I would encourage each of you children to shut off your computers, find a quiet spot and think this over carefully.
   Didn't any of you read my posting to janet which included a definition and a pronunciation of the term blepharospasm. Why did you persist when the truth was right before your eyes?
   Does anyone remember the chap who wrote "This List" It a short,really neat and simple understanding of THIS list. I wonder where he is today. Certainly not on THIS list