

Gina, m'dear... YOu may not have wheels any longer, but despite that, you've
managed to travel all the way to Los Angeles, California, and warmed my heart
just by being yourself!

Thanks for being YOU....


Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Gina Cass.
Sent:   Sunday, July 12, 1998 9:15 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: I'm concerned about a fellow list member

Dear Gail:
I read the letter from your friend intently. Could you please pass this on to
him? Thanking you in advance.
Dear Athlete:
Your letter to the list is so full of pain. The anguish you are feeling is
felt by all. I can only speak for myself, that any dreams and expectations
that I had, flew or jumped out the window when I found out about the
Parkinson's Disease. I knew a little to be dangerous and read books for the

I have this dry, scaly skin on my face, in my ears, and coating my scalp. I
had never had any problems with my skin or acne, but this stuff is so thick,
it comes off in sheets. Very attractive looking, even when others say "Oh, I
don't notice it".
I can't drive at this point, reaction time to slow, vision is poor, I really
couldn't remember where I had left my car. But, seriously, I don't want to
hurt anyone else. But there goes my independence. The last I have left. I have
to wait for rides or until people can bring things to me.
I didn't have as an extensive of retirement plans as you did/do but I wanted
to do something things. I'm a professional photographer, and the tremors
killed any hope now, at this time of taking pictures. They have to self-
stablizing cameras. I loved to paint, draw, do pottery just a fanatic for art,
but that now has to be adjusted.
What I'm trying to say, friend is Yes, this is something I did not ask for and
I don't want. Who am I to say Why me? Why not me? Maybe you can adapt to the
races, and bikes and other things. Have you tried to do these sports knowing
you have Parkinson's? Had you tried these sports when you didn't know what
your ailment was? Was there a tremendous amount of difference? With the
Tremors I find if I gripe tighter they calm down. I think you are where I have
been, and please don't take offense because I do also have PD, but it is
sitting on the Pity Pot. If you sit there for a short time that's
understandable, but don't hesitate too long. I hear in your letter all the
things you wanted to do, so try. See what you can still do. I feel
determination in you.
One other thing, I have had insomnia for so long. I do have meds for it but
sometimes I just don't go to sleep. I find all kinds of things to do. And my
husband is very understanding. He does get frustrated (can't fix me), but he
helps me in so many ways. I always make sure I get out of bed, so I don't
disturb him.
I learning to be ok with this. I didn't want it, didn't ask for it and if I
could who would I give it too? No One.
Peace and Hugs You are not alone in this.
If you wish to write sometime feel free I am grounded [log in to unmask]
One last thing, it is so difficult to see my car, paid for, new tires, new
exhaust, beautiful car sitting in the yard with a For Sale Sign in the window.
But, like an friendly sage in this group said, don't cry about the car thats
leaving and you not driving plan what your next car will be. Great Advice.
See what you can salvage of your plans. Maybe they just need to be tweeked
alittle. You sound to me like a man who does not give up easily.
Go for it.   Gina C.