

    I am not suggesting here that anyone  go  aginst this policy.   But just
as a matter of possible general interest, I would like to suggest that if
you've got one those antiquanted service providers mentioned below - get rid
of it.  There are a lot of them out that can handle attachments.  Sending
information by attaching it to an e-mail message is truly an amazing thing,
IMO, and you will continue to miss out in the  future if you can't do it.
    Re the 2nd paragraph below: upgrade, you can afford it.  i saw a NEW IBM
233 MHz with 32 MB RAM and a 3 G hard drive in the paper this morning for
$799(US) WITH a monitor AND a printer.  Or lease it for $24 a month!!
Subject: Re: Attached files.

>Below is a copy of the message I have been sending to each member who
>posts a message which includes an attachment.
>Please, please, please do NOT post messages to the
>list as attachments.  Many, if not most, of our
>members cannot access these attachments, so their
>contents are not read, their questions not
>answered.  These attachments unnecessarily
>increase the size of the digest to the point where
>some members' service providers reject the entire
>digest which means, of course, that those members
>miss out on the entire day's messages because of
>one or more members' lack of consideration.
>Please use your email's 'help' feature or ask
>someone for help in changing your settings to
>eliminate using the attachment option.
>Here's how to get rid of the special formatting for
>Outlook Express which can cause mail crashes on
>some computers.  The reason why this happens is
>that some computers don't understand the RTF(Rich
>Text Format) which on Outlook Express is the same
>as HTML (hypertext markup language).  Rather than
>lose this information, it gets turned into an
>attachment. To disable this feature on Outlook
>Express, go to TOOLS, then OPTION, then SEND. Once
>there, change the format to PLAIN TEXT.  That
>should do it.  If you want to send fancy fonts,
>etc., to someone else not on Parkinsn, just do the
>same thing, and change it back into HTML.  I hope
>this helps.